Frequently Asked Question

Where do you deliver, do you ship internationally?

We currently only deliver within Singapore.

Do you deliver to multiple locations?

Yes we do. However, delivery made to each location will be treated as an individual order. The minimum order amount or delivery fee for each location is applicable accordingly.

What is the minimum order?

The minimum order is $40. 

Delivery Charge for orders are as below:
$70 and above = Free Delivery
$40 – $70 = $3.90 Delivery Fee
Below $40 = $8 Delivery Fee

What if I have an urgent order?

We do not accept urgent orders. The delivery will be done within 1 to 2 days.

Do I need to be home to receive the order?

Not necessary, our delivery schedule is from Mon to Sat – 11am to 8pm. All the seafood will be packed into foam box, so can last and keep the seafood in good condition min 10 to 12 hours.

I am looking for something but couldn't find it in your website.

Simply WhatsApp us at 9639 0966 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What are the payment methods?

We accept payments in PayNow and Credit Cards Visa & Mastercard. (Our preferred payment partner – Paynow)

How do I cancel my order?

For any cancellation, please inform us one day in advance. There will be no refund for same-day cancellation. Call us at 9639 0966 from Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm for further enquiries or amendments to your order so that our staff can attend to it immediately.